Journal in growing Flax
To get a bit closer to the linen cloth I so often use, I started growing it on my suburban allotment.
Lammas marks the summer cross quarter, a point where we start to see the season change. It is an opportunity to celebrate the abundance of summer and express gratitude for what we have harvested so far, as we turn inwards for the cooler months ahead. Its at this is the time Flax is pulled from the ground and fettled into fibre.
Flax is a crop of the ages - grown in many countries and in Britain since the Bronze Age - the growing of this fibre has seen a bit of a renaissance with craftspeople and gardeners.
I purchased the seeds from Flaxland, tilled and combed the soil and scattered it like bird seed, to find it springing up just a few weeks later into vibrant verdigris of long slender stems, with small leaf fronds and a single ephemeral purple blue flower that crowned the top, of which would only last a few days in bloom, attracting red Cinnabar moths.. before they dried and turned into a golden globe seed pod and yellowing stems.